Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Worth: Part II

There was a time when I would have struggled with the number of questions I get about 'worth' and about what it actually means to create your own world from the inside out. But I have come to recognize the questions as the first step. If you still have questions about worth, congratulations: no questions - no answers.
For those of you who follow this blog regularly, you will realize that I always follow a suggestion with some sort of simple implementation plan. Hopefully you know why, and for some of you I know first hand that you do some of the things I 'prescribe' and are getting some results...

You will never 'understand' worth until you feel it. It must be felt. We are energy beings and we confuse thinking with feeling all the time. Take any muscle in your body... a bicep for the sake of illustration. You can think about making that bigger all you want...in fact, unless your job requires sufficient physical labor,  you must always first think about making it bigger before you create your action plan. But until you actually start to make repetitive movements with sufficient weight in your hand, you muscle will not improve.

Such is the life of a human being. Plain and simple, it's why we're here. We grapple, we struggle, we give up or we accept that we cannot have what we want without doing something. Faith is not knowing that you will be taken care of. Faith is knowing that you live in a world where you must take steps to acquaint yourself with that which takes care. Once you have seen what that is, you will know beyond any doubt that you can have whatever you desire if you see the end result as though it already exists and then walk toward it one step at a time. But make no mistake... no step, no journey, no struggle, no faith.

No one can tell you that your worth is 'within' and have you feel it. Very few (if any) ever say, "Oh I get it, I'm great" and then proceed to live life to the fullest, especially if they are struggling day to day like so many of us are. You must wake up right where you are within the very world you have created with the thinking you have right now... and little by little day by day you come to see how incredibly beautiful a process this is.

Every day, when you wake up, realize that, while the news is broadcasting a 'stand off' between police and an armed man, tell yourself there are 350 million North Americans doing something that is NOT that today. Become acquainted with the fact that the world is so much more than the world you see. That amazing people exist and they are just like you. The only difference is the choices they made to live life no matter what.  Give it a shot. There's no better time then the Christmas season. Pretty soon you will begin to see the rust coming off your  sense of worth. Then, as you begin to see the consistent day to day creation of success and happiness you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you create your own existence. But you have to start somewhere and you have to do something. Why not start right where you are today. You'll have 18 days practice by the time Christmas comes! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! another great blog Mr. Murphy. I guess my life's path has given me a unique sense of worth. Being a care giver and having has tremendous loss has exemplified my own worth. I'm blessed as I truly understand the difference between what is trivial and what is important, life surely taught me that for sure.

    Some of my saddest moments are listening to beautiful people who look in the mirror and only see ugly. People who are generous and kind to a fault but have yet to appreciate their own self worth.

    You are so right, no better season to start your positive existence than at Christmas. Keep up the good work...........
