Happy Tuesday everyone,
This has been sitting here pasted into this document for upload for several hours while I had a life altering chat with a friend. I like life-altering....I like friends...and man, I can chat! :)
Today's installment of "The New Golden Rule"
Let me know what you think...
"We have inherited a tired, eroded version of love that suggests: If I ‘love’ you and you ‘love’ me, I’ll be who you want me to be and you will be who I want you to be.
We go through life professing love for this and love for that and in truth we have no idea what that really means. I feel warm and fuzzy about it? I want to possess it?
Right about here you may well be thinking that you know love when you feel it. You might not be able to define it exactly, but you certainly know it when you feel it. If that is the case then at least you can concede that we are profoundly governed by what we feel. That may seem obvious but it is a critical conclusion because there is a very clear disconnection between what we ‘feel’ and our ability to define it. Later on we will see why that has become a problem for so many people.
Do you suppose you can love someone and then, when they do something you don’t like you can stop loving them? Why do you know in your heart that love is bigger than that and yet you ‘give it’ and ‘take it away’ as though it were a commodity.
When you allow yourself to ‘feel’ love instead of engaging in the ‘rationale’ which can be ‘boiled down’ to mental pro’s and con’s (I love you because-I don’t love you because), you know that love is more than that and so do I.
Now I’m about to prove to you how you can come to feel your inherent nature. How, if you are truly selfish in the useful sense, you will come to feel love at the core of your being as who and what you really are.
See ya next week!
I have always felt that true love never ends, it may change but does not stop. And that true love is selfless. You left me wanting to read more, Mark! Thanks and I look forward to your next excerpt! Lauren : )