Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Thought I'd draw a little story from my own life today and see if anyone else can relate.
I don't consider myself a perfectionist by any means, but apparently I have my moments.

It's remarkable that, as someone who helps other people negotiate problem areas in their lives, I still fall prey to the simplest of issues sometimes. Labels are assumptions. We see traits called perfectionist, bully, selfish, domineering, "add whichever one suits here" and we assume we can rely on that person to 'be that' every time we meet them. In other words, we  label them. The fun (or sad) part about that is, if you have a solid enough assumption about someone, they will rise to the occasion every time.

Now one of the things that enables me to see the world the way I do is that, when I see something I particularly like or don't like about someone, I look to myself to see why. What is in me that feels that way?  Because I know no one else can make me feel anything, why then, does person 'x' illicit this reaction in me...then, why do I feel this way?

Anyone who knows me would say that unless it comes to singing or vocal harmonies, I don't have a single perfectionist bone in my body, that's just not my label. Well, last week we got back off the road Monday night late and when I got up Tuesday morning it was time to write this blog. I didn't feel like anything I had to say would be of interest to anyone....it just wouldn't be good enough...perfectionist? In that moment...and in fact, subsequent moments, I was.

Moral of the story? No one is always anything. I accepted the fact that I began this morning doing the same thing and I just stayed in that feeling until this blog presented itself. Be your own best teacher. No one could ever know you the way you do. When you see something in someone else, ask what it is in you that relates to that behavior in the way you do. Why is it so great? Why is it not so great?
The answer won't always be the same because thankfully, you won't. But it will always be inspirational.
See ya next week...I promise.

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