I hope you've had an excellent week. I certainly did. Let's jump right in shall we?
Beliefs and core values are what determine how you see the world. You may think it's the other way around but do you remember in an earlier blog when we talked about getting a new car and how 'all of a sudden' you saw the kind of car you wanted everywhere? Whether you realize it or not, you are doing that many times a minute, an hour, a day... The world only shapes your vision of things when you are too young to decide for yourself. Once you become 'self governing' you create the world as you want to see it, not as it could be. An example would be the whisper line we all did in school where someone whispers something to the first person in the line and by the time it gets to the end of the line (10 kids or so later) it is something completely different...according to the way each of us thinks, we leave out 'this' or put in 'that'. Those things shape our experience of the world.
When a core belief in your subconscious mind is: 'eating will cure my boredom' or 'They will laugh at me' or 'I am not special enough to do x', you act in ways that make these things true. When you act in ways that make these things true, you reinforce the 'truth' and fuel the belief. If you want to know what your core beliefs are, look at your life. Anywhere that you are not happy (not enough money, over weight, in the wrong job or relationship) you have a core belief blocking you that you need to fix.
Our freedom is in our understanding that these beliefs are not 'fixed'. They were put in your subconscious mind and they can be changed, rearranged or removed completely if you have the will. I'm sure you've heard by now that everything wonderful that happens in life, happens just outside your comfort zone. If you haven't heard that before, go back and read that sentence a couple of hundred times. The reason this is true is because you have an amazing internal system that wants to keep you safe. You stay 'safe' according to what you believe. So if you believe that a cigarette will calm you down (even though science proves the opposite and you know for a fact that every one is filled with poison) then quitting will be like climbing Mount Everest. Your body actually begins to 'keep you safe' by urging you to have a cigarette. I quit years ago and haven't given it a second thought. My beliefs on smoking are simple... I have none.
This week, find a belief you need to fix. Write it down on a piece of paper. Right next to it write down the opposite, but write it in positive language. Make sure it's a bite sized belief for now. We want to use measurable changes. Here's an example:
Core belief: People are annoying. New Belief: People are beautiful and I enjoy how different they can be.
Your only job then this week is to prove your new belief. Note that it could be food related, behavior related etc. Your body will work so hard at proving this if you 'believe it' with all your might that you will be startled. But know that you work in exact measure of strength of the belief. That's why some things really upset you (even though you don't know why) and others don't really matter...
Give it a shot...freedom is just right there... can you feel it?
Mark, this is so very true! I have been practicing the Law of Attraction for about a year now, and I have found time and time again that it really does work! What ever we focus our energy/thoughts on becomes strengthened, so I choose to put my thoughts and energy into everything I want, and not in the lack of what I don't have. It is amazing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Helen,
ReplyDeleteFabulous perspective. This can be looked at so many ways and called so many things. If it helps people make the connection to their own freedom I'm all about it!