Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do Over

My first blog.
I wanted to start with the concept of the do over because, we'll, you have to start somewhere and because for some strange reason I've been in the company of a few folks lately who want some portion of their time back... a do over.  
Today is your do over. The only one you'll ever get today. Every minute you spend wishing something isn't the way you want it to be is one more minute you won't get back. It's also one more minute you could have been changing yourself so that you have fewer life experiences you want to do over.

I can say this for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is: I've lost 32 lbs in the last number of months and I can assure you I didn't lose a single one of them by wanting the time back that it took to get overweight. Looking back, you feel things that aren't real. How do I know they aren't real? Because they are gone. They now only exist in your mind and no where else. When you allow this way of being to guide you, you bring your past into today, every day. How could you not? It is only in this very minute that you get to say yes or no.
Everyone wants to be themselves, everyone wants to be happy. You can't be either looking behind you. Do today like it's your do over. Do tomorrow like it's a do over too but do it tomorrow.


  1. Very inspiring. Exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing!

  2. My pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to drop by.

  3. hey Mark, thanks....hopefully this will encourage me to lose that 10 pounds I've gained this last year...

  4. Hey John,
    Thanks. In keeping with the theme of the blog. No one ever loses 10 pounds. You lose 1 pound 10 times.
    A simple distinction I know but one that made/makes losing weight or staying in shape not only fun, but something you become truly passionate about.
    Have fun.

  5. Hey there Mark: I just found this...=) Looking forward to connecting with you here, soooo thanks for blogging!! Have a great day and Hi to Maureen!! xo

  6. Thanks Linda,
    You are very welcome here. Of course you are very welcome anywhere!

  7. Hey Mark!
    Lovely words of wisdom.
    Looking forward to following this each week!
    Hi to everyone

  8. Thanks Rosie!
    Hope all is well with you.
    I appreciate the comment very much.
