Love is simple.
People are complicated.
Love is unconditional.
People add conditions to almost everything.
Love is energy. Like gravity or light, we can argue about what love is or isn't all day long and love won't care in the least.
It comes through us and from us but it can not be seen, only felt.
We can see the end result of love as inspired action but we can not see love.
That's why most of us have no idea what love really is. We live with our eyes and therefore we see only the face value in everything. That's why most of us are shaped by the world instead of helping to shape it.
We certainly think we know what love is.
How do I know we think we do? Because we so often say "I love this" or I love you". Then we proceed to live a life that proves we do not 'Love ourselves'.
Now, in what other life scenario can someone give you something they do not first have for him or herself? We take love completely for granted.
Just because you can not see love, it doesn't mean it isn't there. Where is the energy that becomes your favorite station until you turn on and tune in your radio?
Energy has a frequency. Love is energy. Just like a poorly tuned radio causes interference with the frequency, poorly tuned people interfere with the energy of love. Become a finely tuned receiver and you will become a finely tuned transmitter.
Love is simple.
People are complicated.
Love is patient, Love is kind and gentle, Love rejoices in truth, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of our favorite quotes on Love, "Paul"
Mark, A very nice blog. Thanks
Kathi and Harry
Thanks Kathi and Harry.
ReplyDeleteI've always found this passage inspiring as well. Isn't it interesting to note that, while love is certainly kind, gentle etc.. many who profess to love are not these things? We often hear "how difficult love is". My goal is to help those who struggle come to understand that, if love is patient, kind and gentle etc and we are not, perhaps love isn't the problem. :)
Most of us sadly do not really know how to love. It is the most important virtue and truly requires humility as the soil in which it grows. Have you ever read the Way of a Pilgrim? It was written in the 1800s but only found in the mid 1900s. I think it was originally written in Russian. I think you would like it.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Blog Marc. If you can walk through this life and be lucky enough to find love and your heart is open enough to receive it, there is indeed nothing complicated about it. It makes your heart smile, it gives you strength, it makes you glad to be alive despite the many challenges of this life..........
ReplyDeleteThanks Harry, sounds like a great read.
ReplyDeleteThank you Marilyn (I think that's Marilyn). Beautifully put.
Love is a verb. I always like to think of it that way. I appreciate your thought "We can see the end result of love as inspired action." My Protestant up-bringing propels to memory the verse "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Now is that not the most inspired action of love? I think of that when you hear stories of people donating kidneys to someone, even a stranger. If that's not love in work-boots I don't know what is.
ReplyDeleteThanks onlythefoolish.
ReplyDeleteLove is definitely a verb, but love need not 'appear' to be anything either. I've seen two elderly people eating dinner together in complete silence, so content in each others company that talking would have been more awkward than not. Love takes so many forms because 'we' take so many forms and it is our animating energy. Undoubtedly giving one's life or one's body is an amazing sacrifice but love need not always be the motivation for such action.
Thanks very much for taking the time.