Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Do You Create Your Own Happiness?

What is actually happening when someone makes you angry?
Many of us spend a great deal of time angry or stressed out by the words or actions of others.
When someone says something rude to you or about you, are they defining you?
I offer that they are defining themselves. How could they not be? It is your reaction to them that defines you.
If someone is mean to you, that makes them mean. It doesn't make you anything, until the minute you 'defend' yourself, that makes you mean. If their actions define them, of course your actions define you also. You see, if someone walked in the room and did not see them being mean to you, all they would see is you being mean. Explaining to them what happened before they walked in doesn't make what you did or said any less mean.
You have massive personal power. We all do. It is available to you in every moment. Why do you insist on giving it away by making the weakest of those around you responsible for your feelings?

For today, observe your reaction to the things around you that you would 'normally' feel upset by.
Feel your personal power (energy) strengthen as you do not react. Feel the satisfaction in that moment as your body no longer bristles with the toxins flushed through you by anger, resentment or disappointment.  Watch how the world goes on it's merry way in blissful disregard for your non action, just as it would have if you had reacted. Peace is every step. As within, so without.
Reward yourself today with your own happiness. No one can ever take that from you unless you let them.


  1. Thanks Mark. Everyone should read this one. I look forward to reading your blog every week!!

  2. Thanks so much. I really appreciate that. If you or anyone else want to leave a comment or have a questions that you/they don't feel comfortable making public, just send it to marxstuff@gmail.com
    Thanks again.

  3. I come back to this often. Thank you

  4. Thanks Amoreena.
    Much appreciated.
